H Bobcats


Hope Public Schools has its own internet App which can be accessed on any of the HPS websites at www.hpsdistrict.org online; then, scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the app store icon on the right side of the page. Users have direct access to campus and district news, announcements and calendars, as well as a directory of district faculty and staff, and other useful information.

Congratulations to Hope High School 2019 Homecoming Queen Daisy Aguilar, who was crowned Sept. 27 and presented with her court prior to the HHS Homecoming football game. Daisy is 17-years old, the daughter of Iris Garcilazo and Gustavo Aguilar. She has participated in National Honor Society, HHS soccer, cross country, FBLA, and HHS Student Council. She intends to study nursing at the University of Central Arkansas in Conway after graduation. Congratulations also go out to Homecoming Maids Britney Alvarado-Frayre, Jennifer Balbuena, Audrianna Collins, Gracie Gilbert, Addison Herron, Kaitlynn Hooker, Jenny Navarrete, Kathy Rogel, Trinity Rogers, and Danielle Short.

Flu clinics are scheduled for each Hope Public Schools campus, but students must have returned their registration to the school nurse to receive an immunization. Campus flu clinic are as follows: Yerger Middle School and Head Start, Oct. 7; Clinton Primary School and ABC Preschool, Oct. 8; Beryl Henry Elementary School, Oct. 9 in morning; Hope High School, Oct. 9, in afternoon; Hope Academy of Public Service, Oct. 10. Contact HPS District Nurse Renee Sells, RN, for additional information at 777-3451 during school hours.

Some 100 students and Air Force Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps cadets from Hope High School, along with Hope Collegiate Academy students recently joined community and University of Arkansas Hope-Texarkana volunteers in a “Feed the Funnel” food packaging event at UAHT. The 145 volunteers weighed, packaged, and boxed more than 31,000 Cheesy Rice and Vegetables meals in 90 minutes. The meals will be distributed to area food banks and other organizations to feed the hungry.