sophia finigan peace week 3rd place

LITTLE ROCK: Arkansas Peace Week is pleased to announce the winners of its Youth Essay Contest and Youth Art Contest. 

The Arkansas Peace Week Art Contest for 1st -12th grade students, featured art pieces addressing the theme: “What does peace mean to you? Depict a more peaceful community in your art entry.”
We received over 2,000 art entries and 300 essay entries from all over the state. We thank all the students that participated. They have shown great skill in writing their essays and creating in their art. More importantly they have contributed to the critical work of peacemaking.

Award winners from both contests were announced at events at the Arkansas State Capitol Rotunda on September 23. Essay winners from each age group were invited to read their essays at this event.

Sophia Finigan placed 3rd in the 8th grade category with her artwork, "Keep Peace In Arkansas." Sophia is a student at the Hope Academy of Public Service.

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