april board meeting


HOPE, AR - The April School Board meeting for Hope Public Schools will take place on Monday, April 22, 2024, in the Hope High School Auditorium starting at 5:30pm. The public is welcome to attend. Agenda is as follows:

(1) Call to Order

(2) Reports

(2.a) Approval of Minutes (Action)

(2.b) Approval of Expenditures

(2.c) Superintendent's Report

(2.c.1) BHE Presentation (Information)

(2.c.2) Superintendent Recognitions and Awards

(3) Unfinished Business

(4) New Business

(4.a) Curriculum Adoption- Kristi Brown Presenter (Action)

(4.b) Certified Policy updates (Action)

(4.c) Legislator Audit Summary (Action)

(5) Other

(5.a) HHS Kitchen Upgrades

(5.b) Auditorium Media Upgrades (Action)

(5.c) Facilities Rental Request

(5.d) Recommendation for Maintenance Index change

(5.e) School Choice Applications

(6) Personnel

(6.a) Contract Renewals (Action)

(6.b) April's Personnel Packet (Action)

(6.c) Afterschool Boost & Academic Tutoring (Action)

(6.d) Board Replacement Discussion

(7) Adjournment
