lonoke missionary baptist church donates to cps

Members of Lonoke Missionary Baptist Church donated food and goods to Clinton Primary School on Thursday, September 7. Gina Karber said,  "We started the school year with just four cans of corn." This donation will help serve the needs of students and is greatly appreciated! Thank you so much to LMBC for their continued support of our children!

The food is kept on campus in the CPS Food Pantry & Clothing Closet. The students are submitted by their teacher, administrator, or a staff member who takes note of a need for food or clothing. Karber says, "For example, a child might arrive late for breakfast on a particular day. The teacher will contact me for food that I will discreetly deliver for the child to fill his/her tummy until lunch time." She further explains, "Another scenario is a student mentions to a staff member that his family doesn't have enough food for him/her to eat at home. The child will be referred, discreetly, by the staff member to the food pantry for services."

Pictured below (Back Row (l-r): Margaret Moss, Mike Bradley, Norma Henry, Mary Green. Front Row: Alice Straughter, Gina Karber, and O'Dell Gulley



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