4-h fun and safety day

On Wednesday, May 17, fourth graders from Clinton Primary enjoyed a day full of fun, safety, and learning at Fair Park. Students were treated to a magical presentation from The Water Wizard, then they divided into groups to circulate among several learning stations set up throughout Fair Park's facilities. The Hempstead Cooperative Extension Office put the program together, which featured interactive conversations with Hempstead County Extension Agents, Pafford, SNAP, Hope Water & Light, and the Southwest Arkansas Beekeepers Association.

Students took a nature hike on the Fair Park Trail, learned about ATV safety, learned about electricity and water safety, ambulance equipment and procedures, enjoyed healthy snacks, made smoothies with a Smoothie Bike, saw bees in action, and even did some yoga.

Lunch was provided by Farm Credit as the students talked about their experiences and listened to music while enjoying their meal.

This annual event takes place each May and gives the students an opportunity for hands-on demonstrations and education about being safe all summer long.

For more information, contact Terrie James, County Extension Agent at 870-777-5771 or by email at tjames@uada.edu.

Water Wizard in Action:

ATV Safety:

Water & Electricity:

Ambulance safety:

Healthy Snacks:


Bees, Hornets, Wasps and More:
