Hope High School, Yerger Middle School, and Hope Academy of Public Service have each been recognized as an EAST Program of Influence level 2! EAST is an Arkansas-based program that is a technology driven, student led, service based collaborative educational initiative. From the EAST Initiative website, "EAST attracts students who might not otherwise gain critical science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) skills; provides lifelong skills applicable to other learning and working environments; and provides a tremendous boom to economic development through projects.
There are two levels in the "Program of Influence" recognition pathway. For a school to be considered a Level 1 Program of Influence, it must:
Complete Required Facilitator Training
Complete Required Student Training
Conference Participation
Administrator and Stakeholder
Training Up to Date
Assurances Acknowledged
Student Numbers Submitted
Current Inventory Uploaded on
EAST Website
Current as to all EAST
financial obligations
To be considered as a Level 2 Program of Influence, in addition to the items above, the school must also:
Host an EAST Night Out (ENO)
Register Student Champion(s)
In all, 54% of all EAST programs around the country received the distinction of Program of Influence this year, up from 24% in 2023! Congratulations to our schools that achieved Level 2!!
Find out more about the EAST Initiative by visiting www.eastinitiative.org.